One man with courage is a majority.

Wonder is the beginning of wisdom

Friday, December 21, 2012

short colorful retrospective of 2012


Danube spring



Praid - with my family

Wood Museum - Campulung Moldovenesc

the beautiful Prut River

view towards my neighborhood Stuttgart

early autumn morning - going to work

my message for the  Good Food March

some good food picked from our garden
my idea for "Ideen Wettbewerb" (Ministerium von Integration)

2 blocs away

a dress I made inspired from Chanel's biography

an old lamp with a new (self invented:-D) lampshade

"Christmas for all"- donations from my colleagues for children
CENIT project - document 

my corner

Thursday, December 20, 2012

other kind of work

This week I worked a bit.
The result : a super double bag, hand painted with the Palace of Culture in Iasi

a venit iar iarna

a fost un an în care mi-am încălțat ciuboțelele și am pornit pe drumul meu.
Si la propriu și la figurat.
Stuttgart-ul e un oras mare si desi locuiesc la cateva minute cu tramvaiul de centru, drumul meu de acasa pana la serviciu trece peste câmpuri și grădini, pe lângă scoli sau grădinițe.
Primăvara plantele scot capete verzi spre soare iar copacii se îmbracă în straie cu flori.
Vara holdele de grâu se leagănă în vânt și copii veseli se bucura de rodul cireșilor.
Toamna ninge întâi cu frunze gălbui iar apoi neaua se așterne peste tot.
Câteodată e vânt aspru iar alteori florile se desfac în lumina calda.
Asa a fost drumul meu in 2012.

Acum e iarna și se apropie Crăciunul.
Eu ma bucur de zilele de concediu și de compotul de mere cu scorțișoară,
și sper ca Mosul sa vina la cat mai multi copii,
si ca sa recunosc, sper sa vina si la mine.
Dar de data asta nu îmi mai doresc jucării și nici bijuterii,
as vrea mai bine sa fiu sănătoasă, înțelegătoare, cu putere de munca si cat mai aproape de cei dragi.
Si noua tuturor sa ne aducă mintea cea dreapta și dragoste.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

caini vagabonzi si vaci fara coarne

Ce legatura exista intre aceste doua tipuri de animale ?

Sa luam intai cainii comunitari care in Romania se plimba mai mult sau mai putin nestringeriti.
Cum de s-a ajuns la o asemenea situatie ?
Explicatia pe care o gasesc este ca pur si simplu oamenii ii tolereaza si mai mult chiar ii indragesc - le dau mancare, se joaca cu ei cand vin de la serviciu si chiar le improvizeaza adaposturi.
Majoritatea - atat patrupede cat si bipede - gasesc armonia convivialitatii.
Se mai intampla totusi si cazuri cand ori unii, ori altii cauzeaza incidente (ori cainele e turbat, ori "omul e rau"). Unii ar zice ca e un esec al civilizatiei  - eu spun ca e selectie naturala.

© facebook page

Pe de alta parte, in fermele civilizate, vacutele cu privire blanda (ca sa nu spun tampa) si fara coarne isi fac datoria si alimenteaza societatea cu trebuinciosul lapte.
Evident, pentru ca aceasta convivialitate sa fie mai confortabila si eficienta ele trebuie sa fie eliberate de periculoasele arme. Nu cumva vreun toreador care le mulge - pardon in ziua de azi numai bunica mai mulge vaca, in rest procedura se realizeaza cu cele mai profesionale aparate si la cele mai inalte standarde- nu cumva acest manipulator de super tehnologii sa fie luat pe sus in vreo coarna.
Aici armonia o face cel cu fierastraul.

Deci dupa cum vedeti mare legatura nu exista
era doar o paralela la cum reusesc unii oameni, sau altii sa armonizeze.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

restoration versus crafts

Recently I saw an interesting reportage about the ASTRA Muzeum in Sibiu
TVR Cultural-academia-romana-prezentul-continuu
An impressive story about a successful project between Romania - Islanda, Lichtenstein and Norway.

In Sibiu it was created the biggest center of restoration and conservation of traditional objects in South-Eastern Europe.
With modern materials and techniques gifted people bring to life old ceramics or wooden items, textiles or religious icons and also complete houses.

It is a way of revealing our roots and finding our cultural identity.
It is a great step.

And I would go further and I would say
our culture should continue not only through restoring the remains,
we should still produce culture, authentic and characteristic.

And culture is not only about the books read and the operas seen
is also about a style of living,
it is also about our capacity of realizing beautiful objects and beautiful facts.

Before restoring a wooden tool I would show a child how he can build it and use it.
Who knows when he comes up with an improving idea.
And this will means evolution - but a healthy one, based on real knowledge and need.

So if you show to your sister/nephew/grandchild how to knit, or how to carve in wood, how to graft a tree or how to tolerate a bee, or even how to grow a tomato plant - (s)he will be richer with one good experience

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Culture between Communism and Capitalism

Spune NU desființării TVR Cultural!

© Shutterstock

Some decades ago, in Romania, the communist system decided to remove all the intellectuals in our society - some were imprisoned and tortured some run away.
With their knowledge and culture they, the true Romanians, could have woke up the masses and it is more complicated to lead smart people.
Some decades ago culture in Romania was killed little by little.

Now, in 2012 we have more than 20 years of "Democracy" and from "economical reasons" the cultural public television channel has to be closed.
"they are not efficient" so the coward solution is to close everything.

In the last two decades we struggled to learn what democracy means, who we are,
we struggled against corporations and big interests,
we are offered tv series, bad educational and health system, less jobs, more debts.
And if there is something which comforts our souls, which can bring enlightenment but not profit
let's make it disappear.

Capitalism can be a Culture killer !

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Good Food March

I also want to support the idea that

we need to eat good food, with no, or less, chemicals, 
with taste and without destroying our world

if this counts for you too you have the chance to say it.

I remember from my childhood how I was climbing the trees in search for sour cherries, which were not sour at all, or in search for a improvised swing or a great view.I think every child deserves this joy.
that's way the idea I want to sustain is

Gardens for families can provide not only healthy food but also fun and relaxation

And this is just one of the points.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Mon Brancusi

For Brancusi I have deep appreciation.
He brought ideas to life with wood, stone and metal.
He transformed history, feelings, thoughts, objects in a unique modern art.

And if you will look closer you will discover the same simplicity and vision as that of the people he was coming from.

"My life has been a succession of marvelous events," Brancusi once said.
Whether or not this was really so, he had the gift of seeing the marvelous in everything.

And this is my tribute to him 


Sunday, July 29, 2012

Strategies for Danube space - conference

This week I attended an interesting conference 
Migration im Donauraum – Chancen nutzen, Potentiale erkennen

Stuttgart - Neue Schloß

The conference was organized by the regional political forums and had guests from different associations and institutions who presented interesting topics regarding life in the danubian space.

this should be: admitting the differences between the cultures in danubian space, respect the diversity and understand it from all directions. Cultural exchanges should be reciprocal.
Such a phenomenon will ease the creation of a "corridor of trust" which will enable a more productive collaboration between the states.

One other important point is the LANGUAGE.
German institutions (schools / NGOs) already run projects in the danubian countries having as target familiarization of young people and professionals with german language.
(schools are open with german teaching, theater festivals with German plays)
An interesting consequence of this is that many german citizens involved in such activities discover the other lands and even decide to adopt it as SECOND HOMELAND, examples being given by the attendees of the conference

Another idea which emerged comes together with "BRAIN DRAIN" situation which is to be replaced by "BRAIN CIRCULATION/COLLABORATION".
Developed countries are seen like "brains vacuums" because the industry the posses still has potential for absorption of qualified personnel which is no available through the local citizens.
But they also face many problems concerning migration. Together with the well educated people in search of a better life a bigger percentage of less educated people emigrate
so the result economies of both states (origin and destination) will get unbalanced
on one side because substantial efforts for integration need to be made and on the other side because labor force is no longer available.
The society cohesion is also threatened
Some unmeasured and very negative consequence, MANY FAMILIES LIVE SEPARATED !
Parents which leave their children with relatives or alone and search a job in other countries.
The outcomes are devastating: children grow without family, help and support and this has a bad effect on their mental health and further development.

The proposed solution for this problems is to strengthen and improve the systems in all the countries in such a way that people could have normal and decent lives in their homeland and successful multilateral relations(cultural, economic) can be established as bridges between 2 states.
It is predicted that less migration problems will occur and the "brains" remaining in their homelands will contribute to a stronger and healthier society.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Thursday, July 5, 2012

ce mi-am propus sa rasfoiesc:

Cătălin Dan Carnaru - Intoarcerea la natură

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

reading Coco Chanel's biography ...

my creative spirit woke up so here is the result: a creme dress 100% hand made (cotton knitwear & black satin band)

Sunday, June 10, 2012

life - family - home

It was the Family that I wanted to paint, it was Nature, it was the Life itself.
And the result is more than gladdening:
a real house it's wearing these colors.
A house for which I wish prosperity and harmony and fulfillment

Monday, June 4, 2012

this May month

last month was one of the most beautiful.
even if I had no more my comfy car
even if our trips covered only some kilometres
even if my account was not so rich and fat
I enjoyed every breath of fresh air, every morning walk to the office, every scented tree,  every colourful plant,
I enjoyed staying with friends but also having my peace,
I sent e-mails, I had meetings, I solved things but I also found some time to FEEL and relax

P.S. and the field you see above is the field I see every day :-)

Friday, May 11, 2012

Monday, May 7, 2012

My way

when I go to office or I come home my way leads me through gardens and fields and trees.
and I enjoy

De la pământ la cer.
Experiment pe carton - 2008

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Covorasul zburator

O altfel de relaxare.
Când e frumos afara îmi iau ghemurile, caut o banca cu priveliște și soare și încep sa fac gimnastica cu degetele ;-)

Monday, March 12, 2012

Thursday, March 8, 2012

it's time to rediscover ourselves

Si dacă toți avem în suflet soare,
Si binele ne place tuturor
De ce nu dezbrăcăm a neghiobiei țoale,
De ce-ntunericul e-atât de orbitor ?

Deșteaptă-te romane, sau orișicine ai fi
Si cata sub vesmântul ce-l porți ce cap, pe umeri,
Lumina ce te naște, lumina ce-ai sa fii
Si-o poarta-n gând, în portu-ți, o poarta pretutindeni ! 

Thursday, March 1, 2012

1 Martie 2012

Inca un an a trecut si primavara a venit iar, cu ceata, cu soare, cu ghiocei si cu speranta.
Imi doresc ca de data aceasta sa ne aduca  mai multa caldura si rabdare, putere de munca si intelegere.
Si vreau sa va impartasesc si voua din bucuria martisorului meu

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

versuri si culori

pentru ca mesajul culorilor mele este mai mult ideatic îl voi acompania și de câteva cuvinte "explicative"

Suflet tricolor 

Un suflet azi purtat în bolți albastre
iar mâine alergat prin lanuri largi de grâu,
cu sângele năvalnic, cu sângele nebun,
cu cântec de mioare, cu șopotit de râu.

Un suflet blând, un suflet resemnat
cu rugăciune, și cu Domnul împăcat
cu doinele de jale, cu doinele de dor
cu răni de iatagane, cu răni de-a fraților.

Un suflet adormit de un vis rău
ün suflet în frisoane de uitare
un suflet chinuit de spasme,
de mișelie, dispreț și de trădare
Un suflet deznădăjduit, bătut de cele 4 vânturi

Un suflet trist, ca o zi de iarna sfârșită
a cărei zăpada puțina și mânjită,
mânjita de poluarea noastră a tuturor,
se topește neputincioasă sub căderea picurilor
care nu mai au nici ei putere sa fie zăpada.

Răsări-vor oare ghioceii ?

Sunday, January 29, 2012

mobila sau cum omul poate sfinti locul

Istoria cu piticul "mobila" are radacini ceva mai vechi.
Dar mai bine sa va spun o poveste.
Sa luam spre exemplu cateva fire:
toata lumea stie ca olandezii au putina suprafata uscata (si multa apa) de aici si restrictiile survenite in construirea si compartimentarea caselor. Asa se face ca fiecare metru patrat este folosit la maxim, si inclusiv in amenajarea interioarelor se vor intalni piese de mobilier adaptate fiecarei incaperi si fiecarui ungher. Doar asa poti transforma un spatiu pe doua nivele  de 37mp intr-un mini-apartament cu doua camere confortabil si utilat fara a te simti ca stai intr-o debara in care toate sunt gata sa iti cada in cap.
Micii mestesugari vs ...:
in ziua de astazi un procent considerabil din locuitorii de imobile, merge la IKEA, sau la altele de genul, pentru a-si mobila imobilul. Nu e rau, dar se poate mai bine. Din experientele traite am constatat ca variantele convenabile oferite de aceste brand-uri devin piese de unica folosinta (!!!) iar cele de o calitate mai buna au preturi considerabile. Plus ca, nu stiu altii cum sunt, dar eu cand vad aceeasi comoda/tablou/dulap/masa/canappea peste tot ma simt ca si sum as trai intr-o lume de clone.
Asa ca eu, ca un razvratit impotriva unor tendinte contemporane, am decis sa dau bani de o paine micului mestesugar autohton profitand si de faptul ca voi putea obtine mult mai multe din ceea ce imi doresc.
Noi insine :
Astfel ca am lasat frau liber imaginatiei si spiritului creator si calculat si dupa cateva incercari si retusuri a iesit la lumina, in colaborare cu dibacia mesterilor, un lucru  tare drag mie.
In tot acest demers, practicul si frumosul au incercat sa-si dea mana, idei s-au combatut si-au renascut una din alta, si mintile si-au pus rotitele in miscare, si simturi s-au trezit la viata, calcule si geometrii au umplut foile si multumirea incepea sa-si faca loc intr-un colt de suflet.
Si un spatiu de 12mp s-a tansformat intr-un loc mie confortabil si armonios, care imi daruieste adesea cate un suras, pentru ca desi poate aparea banal sau neinteresant, acolo salasluieste o frantura din mine.
Biblioteca birou (pentru a servi si scrierii ravaselor)

comoda vestiar care nu iti fura atat de mult din volumul camerei 

pat cu spatiu de depozitare maximal optimizat

biblioteca birou