One man with courage is a majority.

Wonder is the beginning of wisdom

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

link ages

"aseara am trecut pe la ai mei
 gratareau de zor si nu i-am putut refuza sa raman"

Cand interactiunile din familie sunt spontane, libere, nerestrictionate de reguli de "curtoasie"
dorite de toate partile si gustate cu placere de toti

mancare buna
voie buna
companie placuta
de la o generatie la alta

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

April 2018 in Iasi & surroundings

 Targu Cucu

Pe terasa

Muguri dupa iarna grea

Parfum de primavara

another angle

Super tulips



sunset light

dealuri domoale

the enchanted way

zumzait de albine


a nice surprise in Vaslui

City center

green roof - Vaslui

my neighbors

tourist in my own city

tourist in my own city

all the roads go to .. 

next day - snowing with petals


it rains with light and green

new garden


Hristos a inviat !


Hello, my friends !


Why not becoming Nietzsche's Superman, better than ourselves, fighting for high(er) ideals ?

Uebermensch - Superman it's not about genetic engineering nor about eugenics
it's just about us becoming a better version of ourselves.

Monday, April 23, 2018

urban gardens

chestnut flower fragrance - remembering my high school times

the garden besides our building

the colors of the season

novelty and fresh scent

warm afternoon light 

the fence between 2 worlds

When I was little I was playing Caesar III and one of the goals was to build cities.
I soon recognized that beautiful neighborhoods patterns, with a lot of green, would attract people and region will flourish.

Aren't we all attracted by nature and beauty ?
And if we cannot have the property of a piece of land, can't we just enjoy and take care of the parks or trees or flowers next to us ?  
A city like a big garden - can you imagine this ?