One man with courage is a majority.

Wonder is the beginning of wisdom

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Ești acasă ?

Acasă nu e numai acolo unde locuiește trupul,
Acasă e o stare de spirit,

acasă e acolo unde amintirile noastre au zâmbete
și unde putem canta nestingheriți
sub duș sau dând cu lingura în mâncarea de pe foc.

acasă pâinea iți place cel mai mult
și visele sunt senine

Si, dacă de departe venind,
te bucuri când ți se deschide ușa,

atunci tot acasă ai ajuns.

Ești acasă ?

100 and more

Living 100 years? in a good shape ?
How ?

I noticed that some young people, and not only, reorient themselves towards a more natural and simple life. Though located in villages, their homes are not deprived from comfort - internet, running water, washing machines etc.

I will start with a briefing about an interesting study (video below):
There are old people on this planet that live happily ever after even more than 100 years.
How are their lives, what do they eat, how do they work ?
Dan Buettner tries to reveal some of his discoveries.
You will see that they are quite logical and uncomplicated,
but somehow not in accordance with the evolution trend of the modern society.

Of course such happiness - as in the picture of Onisor - is for many of us hard to accept and to live,
but there are many alternatives.

One nice example is about the Padureni Village.
This village is located in the (faar faaaar) East of Romania, region also known for it''s poverty.By the way - they even have a website:
This village is located in the (faar faaaar) East of Romania, region known also for it''s poverty.
(The above photo of a shepherd illustrates this aspect of Moldavian village life.)

Once you reach Padureni, the roads will surprise you - they are not like in other Moldavian villages. Then you will discover a beautiful park, a swimming pool, a theater, activity halls and even dentists, psychologists and a notary.

People living here made all this happen and they enjoy their achievements.
I am happy to discover such stories. This tells me that there is hope.

Comuna Padureni, Vaslui, Romania

Another interesting story, coming from the West of Romania, is the one of Marcu, a shepherd who went to university and even started a PhD, but disappointed by the urban life of modern man, decided to choose another path.

the philosopher shepherd (romanian)

This tendency of people reorienting towards a simpler and more natural life but, if possible, with all necessary comfort, is also reflected by the real estate market.
Some years ago many properties on the market were oversized and extravagant villas. (People escaped from the communistic restrictions felt an urge for big, new, non conformist, opulent possessions.)
Now one can find, what I wold say, more decent offers: reasonable family houses near cities and even land and old houses in the villages.

What I don't find fair is that other Europeans have same rights as Romanians concerning the acquisition of land and properties even though, now in 2016, there is an obvious disparity in purchasing power. Here there can be a long debate that I don't want to start right now - just raising an exclamation mark!

2500mp garden with orchard and vineyards - 80mp house - 23.000 euro -

anunturi imobiliare - case la tara

Everything changes
so we cannot live like our ancestors did 150 years ago.
It is good to take advantage of evolution and progress (especially when it makes your life easier - vacuum robot, steam cleaner, gps etc. etc.)
It is equally good to appreciate the benefits offered by healthy (regional) food, clean air, peaceful environment, gardening, traditional (inspired) activities, medicinal herbs and spices, a morning walk etc. etc.

I conclude with a sun ray

modern and traditional house